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Welcome to the "Chop it and Drop it" homepage.
The first thing you notice when you look at a chopper is what it ISN'T. They are not for beginner riders, they are not for the weak, they are simply unlike any other bikes you've ever seen. The handlebars are radically different, the front end typically has considerably noticeable extra rake, the rear end is fat while the front looks deceptionally light, and there is chrome everywhere you look. You know the owner is a little different from other riders without ever seeing him. Chances are, he is quite knowledgeable about motorcycles in general, and he knows just how much commitment and hard work it takes to achieve the level of perfection you see.

The Mod Squad
There has been a decades-long history of ignoring the practice, science, and theory of proper motorcycle handling in its shameless pursuit of what looks good. We have been kicking out steering heads, dropping suspensions, and stretching wheelbases to such an extreme that were it not for a few fortuitis laws of basic physics that these creations haven't been biting back.

Though a motorcycle's key frame geometry dimensions need to be in a fairly narrow range to deliver the best handling qualities, it turns out you can stray far from the ideal and still end up with a vehicle that won't result in an "unholy styling pact." This explains why the chopper riders are not yet extinct...
This 8th wonder of the world sports a 72" long springer, and was built at Denver's Choppers in Las Vegas. It is the second longest front end that ever came out of Denver's.

See the Forum
Here we will show you some of the ways to do it right. What works and what doesn't. How to get the most out of your machine without sacraficing the safety and integrity of it.

Click the link below to enter the forum now, or continue browsing the site. The forum link appears on other pages here as well, so feel free to check out some more great pictures of some awesome bikes!

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Denny Berg's "Copper Chopper"